
Hi, I'm Robert Ruder

I'm the owner/operator of IDIC Designs, LLC. I coach small business owners to align their technology with their business objectives. Would you be willing to connect me to someone who needs to make better use of their technology?

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Champion Notes: Network Activation Request

“The art of conversation lies in listening.” --Malcom Forbes I've been AWOL for more than a month. Some of it is not justified. But, a large part of it has been because I didn't want to post again until I had actually achieved something that modeled what I hope the Inland Northwest Champions Network will be. Today, I think I achieved that goal. I started this list started based on the work of two influential mentors: Matt Silverman, the author of The Champions Network, and Dave Ribble, the...

Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence.--Executive EQ: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership & Organizations Welcome to March! The Spring Equinox is upon us. The light has been growing in the evenings so I don't have to get in my steps in the dark. Renewal feels close. I'm particularly excited about the conversations I've been having. Years of effort...

I haven't gotten into a writing rhythm yet with Inland Northwest Champions. I'm thinking about it every day, but never to the point of writing and committing to say something. And right now, I should be doin' stuff that needs to get done. But, well, writing feels more engaging. So, here it is... I've been involved with two new community startups in the Spokane area: The Groundswell Collective and most recently R-Connect. Both groups, both founders are looking for something more authentic in...

It's President's Day. And I am breaking my practice of only sending out a Monthly Newsletter to my list. But I have a cause and commitment to support it with all of the resources and means that i have. Let me start with 3 thoughts about the future of Technology and our humanity: “Everybody has to be able to participate in a future that they want to live for. That’s what technology can do.” --Dean Kaman Inventor of Segway “Technology – with all its promise and potential – has gotten so far...

"Ideas are the currency of the twenty-first century. Our economy has evolved from an agrarian to an industrial to a knowledge-based one, successful people in nearly every profession have become those capable of convincing others to take action on their ideas."--Carmine Gallo Greetings everyone, Thank you for joining The Inland Northwest Champions Network (INWCN). We few that are seeking a better community for all. I feel confident from all of the purpose and network oriented movements that I...

Inland Northwest Champions Logo

Have you seen the costume Tina Turner wore in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome? It’s part of her music video of the signature song she sang for that movie. “We Don’t Need Another Hero” You can watch it on Youtube. The lyrics are powerful as well. “And I wonder when we are ever gonna change, changeLiving under the fear ‘til nothing else remainsWe don’t need another heroWe don’t need to know the way homeAll we want is life beyond the Thunderdome.Mm, love and compassionTheir day is coming (coming)All...

IDIC Designs Logo

“How you do one thing is how you do everything.” --Various I suppose January, the month of fresh starts and resolutions, is a good time to think about this truism. On my desk I have a small reminder. Systematic vs Systems. We live in a culture that pushes systems. A solution (system) exists for every problem that we imagine that we have. And we put energy into believing that the secret to success is somehow bottled up in the system. I’ve been contrarian on that thinking over the last 23...

Snapshot of Newsletter

I was going to write a story. It would tug at your emotions. But… 21% of adults in the United States could not read it. 54% of adults might have struggled because I do not usually write at a 6th grade level. This email has a 4.9 Flesch-Kincaid grade level. The problem of adults who cannot read costs the U.S. $2.2 trillion each year. My friend, Larissa, has a vision to change this situation. But, I’ll let her tell you about it: I'll...

Try this at home. Open a new deck of standard playing cards. Discard the jokers and any other collateral. Shuffle the deck 10 times. Set the shuffled deck in front of you then call out a specific card in that deck. Now, turn over the top card. Were you right? This little exercise teaches us three rules about life. Uncertainty is not a lack of knowledge. Risk is not bad. Opportunity is not success. You were able to name a card without looking at the contents of the deck. That should tell you...

In 1997 Reed Hastings got a late fee. For a movie rental. Together with a friend, Marc Randolph, he began to imagine a way to avoid paying another movie rental late fee. He sent a DVD through the US Post Office. And Netflix was born. Last week, Netflix sent it’s last DVD by mail. The final deliveries were sent out with this final message attached: “Please enjoy your final shipments for as long as you like!” But Netflix is not finished... It continues in its many incarnations as a streaming...