The Gift of Reading

The Gift of Reading:
Creating Ripples into the Future

My first grade teacher could see the proverbial writing on the wall. There was the usual classroom library under the windows. Every week we had time when we could browse the books in the library and "check" one or two out.

Until I couldn't fit any more in my desk...

So, Mrs. Leiske did the only thing she could think of. She assigned me a second desk. I had one for my daily work, and an entire desk to hold the books that I was reading.

I was blessed with a capacity to read and comprehend at a very young age.

But there are millions of adults inside the United States of America who cannot decipher a map, check what their bank account balance is, or even grasp the checklist their supervisor hands them at the beginning of their shift.

If you are like me, it is hard to comprehend that someone could live like that. Yet every day, there are adults among us who hide the fact that the street signs are gibberish, the restaurant menu is incomprehensible, and the health care system is a nightmare.

We can do something about this! We need to do something about this. I've decided this year that I am going to do something about this.

Every week I spend time with a writing group called Rapid Writers. We spend 2 hours on Tuesday mornings (my time at least) working on writing projects that help us advance ourselves in our professions.

In that group, I met Larissa Phillips. Larissa joined our group to have the accountability to work on a book series that teaches reading to children. That series, Rex Runs Off!, it turned out was a spinoff project of her main mission in life which is her charity that works to provide volunteers with the skills to teach adults how to read.

The Volunteer Literacy Project (VLP) is Larissa's gift to the whole world. Devoting her indomitable skills, she has created a program that educates volunteers in the intricacy of teaching adults to read. She has books, technology, and scripts that have changed the lives of many adults.

And that was the mission that I decided to take up as my gift this year. My family is beyond the time when we exchange personal gifts. We now focus on having family and friends time.

Because of that, I decided this year I would donate $100 to The Volunteer Literacy Project, but then even more, I would use all of my connections to build a level of support to help the VLP reach their current goal of $10,000.

We're almost half-way to that goal...

That is why you are reading this email. Last week I completed a project which helps Larissa tell her story in what I have found to be very compelling terms.

I want to get this message out into as many hands as I can before the end of the year.

YOU could be the connection that Larissa and the VLP needs to reach their goal.

Here are 3 ways you can help:

  1. You can donate $100 to match my gift. I calculated that 100 donations of $100 would achieve the goal. We have nearly reached the equivalent of 50 donations. If you have charitable giving that you are planning to do in 2022, I would be grateful if you would consider this for your gift giving.
  2. You might not be the right person to donate. Perhaps it is beyond your means, but you have friends, a network of people who might be able to help. All that is needed is for you to share what I've told you and a link to the story of the VLP. There is a link below that you can post to social media or other locations where people who know you can view and consider our cause.
  3. You could send us your good wishes and your best that we are able to find the people who believe as we do in the value of adults who know how to read. If you are a person of faith, pray that the message gets to the right people. If you have some karma to share, we would welcome it.

Thank you for your attention.

So, let me close with my hope that you had Happy Holiday, a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukah, or any other celebration you follow at this time of year.

I'm grateful for you in my life.

1924 W Spofford Ave, Spokane, WA 99205
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Hi, I'm Robert Ruder

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